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ChatGPT for SEO: 30 Prompts to Help You Outrank the Competition

Here’s a Known Fact- Your customers search online, before making a purchasing decision. 

Search engines are the virtual gatekeepers of the internet. They connect people with the information, products, and services they seek. 

Whether it’s a product description, FAQs, a review about the product or to see what else is available in the market, they turn to search engines to become more aware.

68% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

By optimizing your website for search engines, you can position yourself right in front of your potential customers when they’re actively looking for what you have to offer.

In the vast world of digital marketing, search engine optimization hold the key to unlocking online success. 

As search engines like Google keep changing algorithms, businesses and content creators struggle to stay ahead in the race for visibility.  Fortunately, emerging technologies like ChatGPT and other AI tools have stepped into the playing field. It’s fascinating to witness the ever-expanding possibilities that AI brings to the world of digital marketing. 

AI has paved the way for remarkable advancements in various areas, and when it comes to using ChatGPT for SEO, there’s a whole realm of exciting potential waiting to be explored.

7 nations, including China and Russia, cannot access ChatGPT.

It took Instagram 2.5 months to reach 1 million downloads and for Netflix to reach 1 million subscribers it took nearly 3.5 years.

Whereas ChatGPT is breaking the internet. Crossing 1 million users within the first week of its launch, it took the throne of all other AI tools. 

What is ChatGPT?

Developed by the brilliant minds at OpenAI, ChatGPT is an AI language model that has been trained on a mind-boggling amount of data to understand and generate human-like text. 

Think of it as your own personal SEO sidekick, armed with the artificial intelligence and the flair of a seasoned marketer. 

It’s like having a talented team of experts right at your fingertips, ready to assist you with keyword research, content generation, and optimization strategies.

How to use ChatGPT for SEO?

Now, you may be wondering, “How exactly can ChatGPT supercharge my SEO efforts?” 

Well, my friend, it’s as simple as striking up a conversation. 

ChatGPT is designed to engage with you in a human-like manner, providing insights and recommendations that will transform your SEO game. 

With its help, you can brainstorm content ideas, optimize meta tags and descriptions, and uncover hidden keyword gems that will attract your target audience like bees to honey.

60% of marketers say that inbound (SEO, blog content, etc.) is their highest quality source of leads.

There are countless different aspects of SEO, from page implementation to technical improvements to creating effective content for users and more. 

Depending on what information you feed ChatGPT, you can reap some pretty great results to incorporate into your strategy. 

Suppose you want the recipe for Garlic Bread and instead of going through blog pages, scrolling past a longwinded story of how the blogger’s mother used to make the recipe, you can just easily just ask ChatGPT to get you the list of ingredients and steps.

As an SEO professional, this might sound scary!

But embracing ai tools could be a good move rather than worrying. There are many ways to incorporate ChatGPT for SEO strategy.  

1 Ask for related keywords for your target audience-

Start by asking ChatGPT for a list of similar keywords to your target ones. 

Simply ask ChatGPT for related keywords like “local SEO services in India ” 

You might be surprised by the answers. It could inspire you to think differently about your business.

Remember, ChatGPT provides sparks of inspiration, but you still need to find the terms that align with your strategy and customers. 

It’s a collaborative effort between you and ChatGPT to take your SEO strategy in new directions.

Pro Tip: ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it’s important to shape the strategy according to your unique business goals and customer needs.

2 Content Building with a Twist:

Now that you’ve selected your keywords, it’s time to create content that ranks for them. That’s where ChatGPT comes in handy.

I can simply input those keywords into ChatGPT, provide a topic, and let it generate content for me.

With ChatGPT’s guidance, you can transform your ideas into engaging articles or other forms of content that captivate both humans and search engines.

  • Blogs,
  • Articles
  • Whitepaper
  • Social Media
  • Emails
  • Guides
  • Case Studies

While ChatGPT is incredibly helpful, it’s important to be cautious while using it.

It’s crucial to verify the information and avoid any chance of plagiarism from other reputable sources.

Think of ChatGPT as a starting point to kickstart your content. You can then infuse it with your unique voice and expertise to make it truly yours.

Pro Tip- While ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance, it’s essential to review and refine the generated content to ensure accuracy and authenticity. 

3 The Intent Is Everything:

If ChatGPT can generate entire bodies of text tailored to a prompted filter like “small business owner,” it can certainly provide you with more customized keywords as well. 

By honing in on search intent, ChatGPT can offer valuable insights to kickstart your keyword list. 

You’ll know exactly what your audience is looking for and optimize your content accordingly. This approach ensures your wording aligns with what your audience is seeking.

Pro tip: While ChatGPT provides valuable keyword ideas, it’s important to ensure their relevance and effectiveness for your specific business.

4 FAQs that Delight and Rank:

If you’re curious about the most frequently asked questions regarding your product or service, why not let ChatGPT do the searching for you?

Empower your website with valuable FAQs generated by ChatGPT. 

These informative and engaging snippets address common queries and position you as an authority in your niche. 

5 Fuel Your Content Strategy Engine:

Never run out of content ideas again! 

ChatGPT provides a list of potential topics that ignite your content strategy. 

From trending buzzwords to untapped opportunities, ChatGPT’s suggestions can spark your creativity and keep your content pipeline flowing.

With ChatGPT’s assistance, the possibilities for creating and sharing informative content are endless. 

Pro Tip: Take it a step further and dive into understanding your audience’s desires. What kind of content resonates with them? 

Tailor your topics and formats accordingly to provide valuable insights and address their specific needs.

6 Grammar Guardian Angel:

ChatGPT acts as your trusty grammar guardian, catching errors and ensuring your content is polished to perfection. 

After you’ve written some content, just paste it into ChatGPT, and ask if there is any grammatical or spelling error that exists in the content. 

7 Meta Titles and Descriptions Made Easy:

ChatGPT generates attention-grabbing meta elements that entice users to click and search engines to rank you higher. 

However, remember not to strip away all the humanity from your copy. It’s essential for the text to reflect your brand’s tone and voice. 

So, make sure to give it your personal touch and fine-tune it accordingly.

Pro Tip: Optimization is a blend of AI assistance and your own expertise, so combine ChatGPT’s suggestions with your brand’s unique voice for the best results.

8 Crafting Outreach Emails that Converts:

To truly witness the capabilities of using ChatGPT for SEO, try asking it to compose your backlink outreach email. 

I recently conducted a mini-test, and the results were intriguing. 

I asked ChatGPT’s assistance, to generate emails that open doors to valuable backlink opportunities.

Interestingly, ChatGPT went beyond my request and highlighted the issue of approaching websites from a desperate standpoint. 

It not only provided a solid foundation for the backlink outreach email but also offered valuable advice on effective outreach strategies.

While ChatGPT can serve as a helpful starting point, remember to add your own personal touch to establish a genuine connection. 

Does Google rank ChatGPT Content?

Ah, the million-dollar question! 

You might be curious about whether Google recognizes and values content created with ChatGPT.

Rest assured, Google is not biased against AI-generated content. Googles all about- 



User satisfaction


As long as your content meets Google’s guidelines and fulfills the needs of searchers, whether it’s created by human hands or the digital brilliance of ChatGPT, it has the potential to rank high in search engine results.

While ChatGPT itself doesn’t directly control Google’s algorithms, the content it helps create becomes the key to unlocking SEO success. 

And with ChatGPT’s assistance, you can craft engaging, informative content that makes Google’s search bots do a happy dance.


Top 30 ChatGPT Prompts for SEO to Dominate the Search

akt  Keyword Research
akt  Content Creation
akt  On-Page Optimization</>
Off-Page Optimization
Technical SEO
Link Building
Social Media Integration


Keyword Research:

1 Ask ChatGPT to generate a list of “long-tail keywords” related to your industry.

Prompt- “Generate keyword variations and synonyms to broaden my content’s reach and engage a wider audience.”

2 Keyword variations and synonyms to diversify your content and capture a wider audience.

Prompt- “Generate keyword variations and synonyms to broaden my content’s reach and engage a wider audience.”

3 Ask ChatGPT to provide keyword suggestions specifically tailored to local searches in your target market.

Prompt: List down the keywords specifically tailored to <your audience> in <your target market>

4 Analyze your competitor’s content and extract the keywords they have employed.

Prompt- Find keyword ideas from the given “content”


Content Creation:

5 Generate engaging blog post ideas that address popular questions or challenges within your industry.

Prompt- Generate engaging blog topics relate to <your industry>

6 Create unique and informative product descriptions that incorporate relevant keywords and persuade potential customers.

Prompt- Write an informative product description <related product> 

7 Craft compelling headlines and hooks that captivate readers and encourage click-throughs.

Prompt- Give me 5 catchy headlines that include the <keyoword>

8 You can also ask ChatGPT to prepare a content outline for a blog post

Prompt- Generate a blog outline for the <topic>

Blog outline chatgpt prompt

9 For writing Content Brief

Prompt- Give me the content brief on the article <topic>

10 For FAQs related to your content

Prompt- Give me a list of FAQs for a web page <topic>

11 Video scripts for your youtube scripts

Prompt- Write a 2-minute youtube script about <topic>

Chatgpt prompt for scripts

11 To generate Powerful CTAs

Prompt- Write a compelling CTA for <purpose>, <product> <target audience>


On-Page Optimization:

13 Conduct a preliminary analysis of on-page SEO

Prompt- Act as an SEO specialist. Perform an initial on-page SEO audit of the webpage located at <url>

14 Generate Featured snippets using NLP content

Prompt- Anwer in an NLP-friendly way <your question in brief>

15 Request ChatGPT to provide your meta titles and descriptions

Prompt-  Write a meta description of a maximum of 150 words for the <topic details> 

16 Ask ChatGPT to generate your image alt tags 

Prompt- Write Alt Test for <image description>

17 Find topical gaps 

Prompt- Find topical gaps in the following outline <content outline>


Off-Page Optimization:

18 Find high-traffic websites in your niche

Prompt- Identify authoritative websites relevant to <description> for effective link building.

Link building websites

19 Descriptions for Pinterest pins

Prompt- Write a description for Pinterest pins <topic> 


Technical SEO:

20 Generate Schema Markup

Prompt- Create schema markup for an article that targets <Keyword>

21 Generate XML sitemap suggestions 

Prompt- Create an XML sitemap containing <URLs>

22 Suggesting improvement regarding technical SEO 

Prompt- Analyze [website URL], and make improvement suggestions regarding technical SEO with the ways to make those improvements listed in a table.

23 Generate multiple hreflang Tags

Prompt- Generate the hreflang tags for a web page <targeted to the country> in <language>


Link Building:

24 Suggestions on authoritative industry directories or niche-specific websites where you can submit your website for backlinks.

Prompt- Suggest industry directories or websites related to <services> where I can submit my website for backlinks.

25 Create compelling guest post ideas that align with your industry expertise and can earn valuable backlinks.

Prompt- Generate guest blog topic ideas for <industry>

Chatgpt prompt for blog topics


26 For writing outreach emails

Prompt- Write a link-building outreach email as <your position>, <topic>

27 Also, for Followup Mails

Prompt- Write follow-up emails for the <topic>


Social Media Integration:

28 Generate engaging social media post ideas related to your industry or specific content pieces to drive traffic and engagement.

Prompt- Generate ideas for social media for <your industry>

29 Writing a social media caption

Prompt- Write a social media caption for the <topic>

Chatgpt prompts for Social media captions

30 Identifying trending hashtags or popular industry influencers to target in your social media marketing efforts.

Prompt- Generate trending hashtags related to <topic>

Incorporating these prompts into your content strategy can help you stand out. By leveraging ChatGPT for SEO or other strategies, you can create articles, blog posts, or even social media content that is both engaging and informative.

Google Helpful Content Update

Google has introduced a new algorithm update that focuses on improving the quality of content for search engine users.

This update aims to prioritize content that is genuinely helpful and informative to people, rather than content that is solely created for the purpose of ranking well in search results.

In other words, the focus is shifting toward quality over quantity.

Now, here’s where ChatGPT comes into the picture.

It’s an incredibly powerful tool that can assist us in crafting well-researched and informative content.

However, it’s important to remember that ChatGPT is just a tool – a valuable one, but not a substitute for your expertise and unique voice.

To truly stand out in the digital realm, we must infuse our own perspectives, experiences, and knowledge into the content we create.

Remember, your perspective is what sets you apart from the competition.

By embracing ChatGPT as a collaborative partner, we can deliver an unparalleled search experience that captivates and engages our audience.

Wrapping it up

With search engine algorithms constantly changing, it can be challenging for businesses and content creators to maintain visibility.

This is where ChatGPT steps in as a game-changer!

And when it comes to using ChatGPT for SEO, it becomes your sidekick, offering valuable insights and recommendations to supercharge your SEO efforts.

It’s important to note that while ChatGPT provides powerful assistance, it should be used as a collaborative tool.

You, as the SEO professional, still have the expertise and knowledge to shape your strategy according to your unique business goals and customer needs.

By combining the AI capabilities of ChatGPT with your human touch, you can create compelling and effective SEO campaigns.

So, don’t fear the AI revolution in digital marketing.

Let it inspire you, guide you, and assist you in taking your SEO strategy to new heights.

Ready to unlock the full potential of AI in your SEO strategy?

Discover the limitless possibilities for SEO by partnering with Nico Digital today. Let us assist you in dominating the search results and driving organic traffic to your business.

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